Recipe: Detox Bliss Brownies
The name “raw bliss” brownies appears to be an oxymoron as we do not commonly associate detox with bliss! However if you have read our blog post on The Ultimate Liver Loving Foods you will quickly realise that some of the star detox foods including turmeric, beetroot and avocado feature in the recipe below. A good game to play with these brownies is “guess the ingredients” as you would never know that there are some super detoxifiers lurking within! Add your own creative twist to the brownies, you cannot go too wrong with raw food recipes. Be sure to let me know of any fun variations.
1 cup sunflower seeds
3/4 cup almonds
1/2 cup activated buckwheat
1/4 cup gojis
6 dates
1/4 cup carob & 1/4 cup cacao powder
1 medium raw beetroot, cubed
1/4 avocado
2 Tbs spirulina
1 Tbs turmeric
2 Tbs almond butter
3 Tbs coconut oil, melted
Pinch Himalayan salt
1 Tbs Maca root powder (great for fertility and hormonal balance)
1 Tbs lucuma (adds a beautiful caramel flavour)
- Place the sunflower seeds, almonds and buckwheat in your food processor and process until a fine flour forms.
- Next add the gojis, dates, beetroot and avocado. Blend until broken down.
- Add all remaining ingredients until well combined and no “chunky” pieces remain.
- Press into a baking paper lined tray and place in freezer for one hour or until firm. Remove from tray and cut into small squares (5cm by 5 cm is a good size)
- Keep in the fridge and reach for them when you need to retreat into detox bliss